Happy Birthday Message

Birthday is the most special day of the year. Here you can find the best happy birthday messages online; we have text birthday wishes, pictures and greeting cards collections just for you that you can share with your friends on Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit, Twitter, Google+ and other social networks.

Birthday wishes

So to whom would you like to send a birthday greeting today?

More categories:

Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday Wishes

The best happy birthday wishes messages

On this website, sending happy birthday wishes messages to a good friend or family that we love is easy, and it doesn’t cost anything but only a few seconds of your time.

On this page below you can find some of the best happy messages for birthdays that you can send to any one you wish such as your kids, a good friend, a family member, to a coworker, to someone special in your life or to anyone else that you might know.

If you want to share a birthday wish using this site, all you need to do is to select a category by clicking on one of the images below, then choose a text message or a greeting card that you like, and to click on the sharing buttons. Continue reading to learn how to wish happy birthday using this site below.

How to wish ‘Happy Birthday’ in 3 simple steps

There are 3 simple steps that you need to do in order to send happy birthday messages to your friends, here are the instructions that will help you to do so.


1) Select one of the categories at the top of this page.

2) Find a message that you would like to share with your friend.

3) Send it to the person you love via email, sms and social networks.

Send a happy birthday message to a friend via email

Another popular way to say happy birthday to a good friend is simply by phrasing a nice and short email such as the example below.

You can click the bold link to send a birthday message via email now; just make sure to add your friend’s email address and then click on ‘Send’.

Feel free to modify the birthday message as you wish.

About Happy-Birthday-Message.com


Happy Birthday Message is the place where you can find the coolest original birthday messages, special text and images that has been made especially for birthdays.

We have here funny birthday wishes, quotes and statuses for you to share with your family and with your best friends once a year when they are celebrating their happy day.

This site is a source for birthday greetings, we are not charging anything and you can wish happy birthday to anyone using this site for 100% free.

It does not matter if you’re living in the Philippines, in India, in the USA, in the UK, in Austria or if you are from another place around the world, this site has been created for you to use it, so have fun.

We are doing our best to keep this website up-to-date with new birthday wishes frequently, you can feel free to share some of our birthday messages with your best friends and colleagues on your favorite social network.

If you want, you can send us your favorite wishes for birthdays and we will post them on this website after approval. Then you can come back to share your birthday message with a friend, can it be more simple than that?

We hope you think this site is awesome! you can also save this website to your bookmarks and come back to visit this site again anytime you like. If you have any questions please contact us.